8 (495) 150-29-49
Russia, Moscow, 127015, 5A Novodmitrovskaya Str, Block 1, Floor 16, Office 1600B
Full name: Limited Liability Company "Equant"
Short name: Equant LLC
ITIN/INN: 9715335890
KPP: 771501001
PSRN/OGRN: 1197746035893
RSOAD/OKATO: 45280561000
RNCMT/OKTMO: 45353000
RBOC/OKPO: 35760061
RNCEA/OKVED: 46.69.5
General Director: Skorov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich
Powers of the General Director: Based on the Charter
Equant LLC
All rights reserved
Moscow, 5A Novodmitrovskaya Str,
Block 1, Office 1600B